Friday, 15 March 2013

side profile modelling

Having drawn in all the lines and converted them into polys I can now move on with the side profile and start pulling out the polys from the front image to start giving it shape. I do this by selecting all the polys I have just drawn and converting into an 'editable poly' this means I can now choose different aspects of a poly to edit it by, such as vertex's, which are the corners of a poly (square), edges and faces etc there's lots of other hard to explain things that it does aswell but I couldnt possibly mention them all.

 In the first image you can see where I am pulling out all the polys from the front profile to match up with the side profile. I did this by selecting all the vertical vertex's, pulling them out to match them to the side and them moving on to the next row. Most of the side work is open to judgement as you look at where a vertex is on the front and pull it to where it would realistically be on the side, like the cheek area would rest further back than the nose area would be.

You'll notice that I have missed out the lips and nostril area, this is because they are more complex area and i prefer to do these separately. 

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