Monday, 24 September 2012

The start of something AWSOME

So after doing my three quick head variations, I wanted to really make clear differences in there appearances other than just changing the facial hair, so my next three were alot more diverse as I changed facial structure, hair styles and age. Im happy with how they are coming along but there are features I struggle with drawing masculin characters as I always end up making them look a bit feminin especially around the lip and eye area, so that is something I am going to need to work on. Also as well I really want to start making my drawings look more realistic as my art style has always been a bit cartoony or cell shaded stylee, to try and work away from this habit I need to stop drawing a black sketch outlind and then trying to work around it as iv noticed on a lot of tutorials I'v watched for speed drawing for faces that the artist works into a block of colour rather than doing a clear outline and working around that. Practise practise practise, but for now just while im getting the general feel for how I want my character to look I dont really need to worry about it just yet. Here are the next three heads I did with an attempt at working into one a little bit, I;m pleased with the way the hair has turned out as that was also a feature i struggled with but I'v become more acquianted with photoshop now and found an awsome brust that makes it look more realistic ^.^ happy jess is happy. What do you think?

The bottom left looks a bit Deus Ex-ish and the right is looking a bit Uncharted-esque so I need to start making them 'my own'

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