Friday, 19 April 2013

Zbrush sourcery

Zbrush is probably the most awkward piece of software I have ever used, the interface is so difficult to navigate. I can understand why so many people opt for it as all the videos and images I researched were incredible. But, my god, its like being dropped in Narnia! From the very minor experimentation I'v had with it, I've managed to create some cool things, I wont lie though, I am a bit scared of it if I'm honest :/
To get my model from Max in to Zbrush I had to save it as on object OBJ, this is like a universal file for all 3d software so I can open it all of them. To save as an obj file I had to export my model first, then save it and then open Zbrush and import it. At first I thought it wasn't working as there was nothing on the screen but it turns out its like a brush at first, and you have to paint it on the screen and then turn it into a 3d object by pressing 'T', confused yet? Me to. One of the main reasons I wanted to use Zbrush was so I could work in high resolution, because in 3DS Max the only way I could work somewhat in high resolution was to put on 'turbo smooth' which I mentioned in an earlier post.

Ive managed to draw in the scars along the face and I have altered the face slightly

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