Friday, 19 April 2013

Zbrush sourcery

Zbrush is probably the most awkward piece of software I have ever used, the interface is so difficult to navigate. I can understand why so many people opt for it as all the videos and images I researched were incredible. But, my god, its like being dropped in Narnia! From the very minor experimentation I'v had with it, I've managed to create some cool things, I wont lie though, I am a bit scared of it if I'm honest :/
To get my model from Max in to Zbrush I had to save it as on object OBJ, this is like a universal file for all 3d software so I can open it all of them. To save as an obj file I had to export my model first, then save it and then open Zbrush and import it. At first I thought it wasn't working as there was nothing on the screen but it turns out its like a brush at first, and you have to paint it on the screen and then turn it into a 3d object by pressing 'T', confused yet? Me to. One of the main reasons I wanted to use Zbrush was so I could work in high resolution, because in 3DS Max the only way I could work somewhat in high resolution was to put on 'turbo smooth' which I mentioned in an earlier post.

Ive managed to draw in the scars along the face and I have altered the face slightly

Sunday, 7 April 2013

Have you heard?

Ear time! probably one of the most annoyingly complicated bits to do -.- the topology for its going to mentally crush me, I mean it baffles me at the best of times but this is going to be ridiculous. Instead of drawing out my own ear I just got one off Google and drew the topology over it in Photoshop and then pasted it only the image I had already drawn (pictured below).
Going through the same process as I did drawing out the initial face and then converting it into an editable poly and then pulling out all the vertex's to give it shape.

After creating the initial ear shape I realised I hadn't created the fold along the top of the ear, so I had to 'break' lots of the vertex's to separate them and then add polys to make the folds. This took longer than I would have liked, but I am pleased with the overall outcome of far

Friday, 5 April 2013

Ear attatchment

So I finished the ear...sort of, I gave up trying to attach it to the head, it was just having none of it but I did create the back of it. The logic behind it is, that I'm going to import it into Zbrush anyway, so if I just place it near the head so it looks attached it will be ok in Zbrush. It looks ok still but it really is driving me mad that I cant attach it to the head properly, even Craig my tutor is a bit stumped by it. So it fallout with max *sigh*. I need to install and read up on Zbrush now.....this will be fun.